Company Overview

Company name: Shakai Design Co., Ltd.

Representative: Yohei Udagawa, CEO

Established: January 2010

Address: Ginza Wall Building UCF501, 6-13-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061

Capital: 40 million yen


[ Business overview ]

1. Tourism and art business
・ Teshigoto Club Net Shop Amazon Rakuten
・Lacquered bow tie "CONCERTO"
・Development and sales of art products using traditional craft techniques
2. Social system design business
・Consulting services related to DX construction
・Startup education
・Recurrent education (DX literacy, coaching, etc.)

【Study Group】

Tourism DX Study Group


Hiroshi Takeuchi
Chairman of the Board Graduated from Keio University. 1975 Joined Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. 2005 Appointed President and Representative Director. In 2014, after retiring as president and representative director, he assumed the position of advisor. 2016 Retired as an advisor. Director of NPO Organization for Industry-Academia Collaboration.

Youhei Utagawa
Founded Duo Systems (now ITbook) in 1990 after graduating from the University of Tokyo. Listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers in 2004. Established Shakai Design Co., Ltd. in 2010 and assumed the position of CEO. BusiNest Mentor of the Small and Medium Enterprise Institute, Small and Medium Enterprise College . QWS Commons . Regional Revitalization Lab Executive Officer .


  • Cabinet Secretariat IP Secretariat Project
  • Hiroshima Prefectural Office Sea Road Project Advisor
  • Hokkaido 150 years business partner company
  • 2019 Wood Design Award Winner
  • Selected for the 2020 International Lacquerware Exhibition Ishikawa
  • 2021 OMOTENASHI Selection

® Shakai Design Registration No. 5856620 ® Teshigoto Club Registration No. 58 56621

Shakai Design is a company that supports the Ministry of the Environment 's "Let's connect Mori Satokawa " .

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