地方創生を目的とした謎解きイベント事業で 株式会社クリエイターズネクスト・株式会社地域創生ラボと業務提携を開始します

We will start a business alliance with Creators Next Co., Ltd. and Regional Creation Lab Co., Ltd. in a mystery-solving event business aimed at regional revitalization.

From April 2022 in the mystery solving event business aimed at regional revitalization,
Creators Next Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President Nozomu Kubota), Regional Creation LAB Co., Ltd. ( Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo), an affiliated company of H.I.S. Co., Ltd., a major travel company , President and CEO: Kenji Komiya) and agreed to start a business alliance.

Regional Revitalization Lab


Takeshi Komiya

A joint venture between HIS and DMM

A specialized group that uses DX to solve regional issues

• Providing integrated IT to solve various regional issues

Companies that support the Ministry of the Environment's "Let's connect and support Mori Satokawa Sea"

Creator's NEXT


Nozomi Kubota

• Completed Global Consumption Intelligence Endowed Course / Matsuo Laboratory (GCI 2019 Winter), Department of Technology Management Strategy, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo.

• Graduated from the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University. Completed MIT Sloan School of Management. In 2019 and 2020, he was selected as Japan's best web analyst (Best of the Best) for two consecutive years.

More than 100,000 followers on TikTok, 67,000 followers on twitter

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