
The website of the Tourism DX Study Group has been released.

Tourism DX Study Group

Shibuya QWS members have started a tourism DX study group.

[Purpose]: Supported by abundant funds, the influx of human resources, and the low price of IT, ventures are able to conduct research and development and service development that large companies cannot do. There are many cases where the customer experience value (CX) has increased by integrating the services of venture companies and large companies. Focusing on tourism, this study group will discuss (1) how large companies and venture companies should collaborate, (2) the relationship between CX and IT in tourism DX, and (3) integration models.

[Participants (titles omitted)]
Mayor of Bandai Town Junichi Sato
Nagasaki Prefecture Industry and Labor Department New Industry Creation Division Startup Promotion Team Koji Matsuo Associate Professor, Basic Education Department, Sasebo National College of Technology Deputy Center Director, EDGE Career Center Hideya Irie Representative Director, Kazuo Kaneko Office Co., Ltd. Kim Kazuo Shakai Design Co., Ltd. Representative Director Yohei Udagawa (Secretariat)

Tourism DX Study Group website

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