
We have acquired the trademark of "Shakai Design".

We have acquired the trademark of "Shakai Design". The details are as follows.
(111) Registration No. 5856620
(151) Date of registration June 10, 2016
(210) Application No. 2015-107980
(220) Filing date October 23, 2015
Occurrence date of prior right: October 23, 2015
(180) Expiration date June 10, 2026
Final disposal date
Final disposal type
Application type
Trademark (for search) Shakai Design
(561) Pronounciation (reference information) Shakai design, Shakai, design
(531) Classification of figures, etc.
(732) Rightsholder
Name Shakai Design Co., Ltd.
Legal division 2011 law
10th Edition of International Classification
(500) number of divisions 3
(511) (512) [Classification of Goods and Services and Designated Goods or Designated Services] [Similar Group Code]
35.Provision of benefits to customers in advertising business, retail or wholesale business of kitchen utensils, provision of benefits to customers in retail or wholesale business of tableware, retail or wholesale business of bags and bags Provision of benefits to customers, provision of information on the sale of household goods, market research including industry and company research, market analysis, research and evaluation via the Internet, personal computer communication, facsimile, telephone, etc., and provision of information on the results thereof; Employment mediation/introduction
19A01 19A02 19A03 19A04 19A05 19A06 19A07 21C01 35A01 35B01 35D01 35K02 35K09
41 Teaching knowledge about computers, computer programs, computer systems or computer networks
42. Provision of information and advice regarding research on architecture or urban planning, survey research on science and industry, and provision of computer programs using communication networks such as the Internet.
42Q01 42Q02 42Q03 42Q99 42X11
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